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Common Nettle (Urtica dioica)

Description of Common Nettle:

Common Nettle grows in large patches, reaching up to 1 meter in height. It features pairs of teardrop-shaped, toothed leaves growing in opposing pairs along its stem. Both the stems and leaves are covered in stinging hairs that can cause skin irritation upon contact. These stinging hairs contain histamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, as well as oxalic and tartaric acids. It produces tiny green flowers in early summer, often mistaken for seeds, which follow and look similar to the flowers. The leaves are best picked when young and bright green.


Season of Common Nettle:

Common Nettle is available for foraging from March to November.

Habitat of Common Nettle:

You can find Common Nettle in a variety of locations, including wasteground, woodlands, hedgerows, roadsides, and gardens with nutrient-rich soil. It avoids highly acidic areas and is found in most temperate regions.

Possible Lookalikes of Common Nettle:

Common Nettle can be confused with Small Nettle (Urtica urens) and some Dead Nettles (Lamium spp). The Small Nettle is edible, but some care is required due to potential hazards. Dead Nettles lack stinging hairs.

Food Uses of Common Nettle:

Common Nettle is considered one of the most nutritious foods globally, rich in minerals and vitamins with a high protein content. The stinging hairs must be neutralized by heat or extreme cold before consumption. Young leaves can be used in various culinary preparations, such as soups, pestos, stews, bread, and as a side dish. They can also be used to make cordials, jellies, syrups, or herbal infusions. Furthermore, a decoction of the leaves can be used as a rennet substitute in cheese making, and beer can be crafted from young nettle shoots. The leaves can be used fresh, or a herbal infusion can be made. Frequent cutting before flowering encourages regrowth of young leaves.

Medicinal Uses of Common Nettle:

Common Nettle has a history of use in herbal medicine for various conditions, including hay fever, skin irritation, eczema, heavy menstruation, anaemia, arthritis, gout, neuralgia, haemorrhoids, rheumatism, acne, chickenpox rash, urinary disorders, and enlarged prostate. Treatments have included teas, decoctions, tinctures, foodstuffs, infusions, or applying the stinging hairs directly to the affected area. Seek medical advice for specific ailments.


Other Uses of Common Nettle:

The strong fibers in Common Nettle have been used to make cordage, sacks, ship sails, and clothing.

Safety Note - Common Nettle:

Older leaves, especially those appearing after flowering, should not be consumed due to the presence of cystoliths, small gritty particles that can irritate the kidneys. Common Nettle can potentially interact with certain medications related to diabetes, hypertension, depression, the central nervous system, and mellitus. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation by individuals taking such medications. Additionally, large amounts of Common Nettle should be avoided in early pregnancy. Pregnant individuals should consume it in moderation until the second trimester, after which larger amounts can be considered. It is a critical plant for supporting many species, including around 50 insect species and aphids, which are preyed upon by ladybird larvae.

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